Saturday, December 19, 2009


It all happened as one teenage couple set out on a lonely cold journey, she pregnant riding a jackass, he, walking alongside, acting as guide on their destination to reach Bethlehem of Judea, to be counted for the annual census of Herod the King. This rather humble start was the beginning of a journey of world class proportion in the years to follow. Their trip was of Divine origin to culminate the words of the Angel some 9 months before, that this humble Jewish girl of early teen years, would bring forth the future King of the Jews, and the life she was to lead would be anything but simple and the child anything but ordinary. As the journey unfolded thru the desert regions, strange happenings began to unfold. First this was not a trip paid for in advance on American Express, with reservations made at the local Marriott. They were for all intended purposes people of meager means, and even less worldly wisdom to to handle what was about to happen in their lives.

As we know the story unfolds with supernatural happenings. Angels singing, shepherds following a Star in the East, Wise men coming from Iraq, Iran, Turkey and other places following the same Eastern Star and bring Gifts of relative importance for future reference as to the Kingship of this child from the young teenage couple.

A stable of questionable animal population replaced the presidential suite of the local Hotel, Swaddling clothing replaced the fine silks and linens reserved for the Royalty of the day. and mothers milk was the serving of preference, with no laundering facilities available for clean-up after such an event. Who would believe that the King of the universe was laying there in the stable area, and this was HIS beginning. Two years later the Shepherds, the Wise men and others reached the area where he was and they recognized what no one else could, that this child was the Messiah promised. They believed what the Angels had said,. and this was how the Kings life would begin, in a stable, surrounded by animals, living in the basics needed, with no visible sign here that this was anyone special.

Isn't it interesting that we have blown this into a world class money making event, both Spiritual and commercial. More money is spent in the commercial world in the Christmas season, celebrating the birth of the savior of the world, than at any other time of the year. The spiritual world uses this time to raise more money for the opulence of the church needs,(Christ died that we would have prosperity), than it does for the salvation message of the event. I can only imagine that if the Tele-Church had the opportunity to re-do the events of that night long ago, we would have Helicopters flying overhead with coverage of the trip. Reporters along the pathway to get interviews with the young couple, and a board of analysts, who would dissect every word said, both of the Angels and the Travelers. We would in fact completely lose any if not all of the importance of this event planned by God at the beginning of time, we would try to supplant GOD.

Well if nothing else happens to you this season, STOP, consider that for ONE COLD LONELY NIGHT, to very scared teenagers set out to complete the command from the FATHER, to journey to Bethlehem, complete the census, and then just trust that all of the events that would come forth over the next 33years would explain to a very skeptical world that HE had a plan, the plan worked. We, if we listen to the voice within, will find the PEACE that passes all understanding, and that it was all about ETERNAL LIFE, and the life to come. Not the size of our bank account, the car we drive, the house we live in, nor our prestige. Rather it is the Orphan, the Widow, the Homeless, the Hungry, HE was born for them, and if we listen, WE ARE THE MIRACLE THEY ARE PRAYING FOR.


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