Thursday, November 09, 2006


There are time that I must sit back and wonder what is happening within the body of Christ. I am for sure not the total answer to what is going on, but I am certain of one thing as I go thru life. God has healed me from the most serious of Heart problems..has given me 20 years of life that no doctor would have ever hedged his bet with...and yet I must sit back and say that I have an obligation to at the very least give some pause for cause. This time of year is the time for most Christian networks to plow the ground for the gifts of the believers to keep those networks on the air for another year to put forth the Gospel of Truth for those who have prayed for the most of their lives to have some sign that GOD has the power that they hear about and believe that happens to those who would give of their last dollar. I have never doubted that GOD can perform the most incredible miracles even for those of us who have only our simple faith to trust HIM. I must share with you one of the most startling situations that I was involved with in the past 20 years. I was invitied to share my healing with a television audience in southern California. I was picked up at LAX, for the avarage guy, LosAngeles Airport. As I was riding with my host I was amazed at the personal Jet Aircraft that were at the end of the airport, only to learn that those aircraft were the property of some of the highlighted speakers of the telethon. As I was ushered in I saw more opulant displays of wealth than I had ever seen from the people in the entertainment industry that I had come from. Gaudy Gold Jewelry, Silk suits, Alligator shoes, hair done by the best in Beverly hills, both men and women, manicured nails, both men and women, in fact all I saw was wealth. I of copurse was as I always am dressed in the usual Blazer, slacks, TV shirt,(blue)..and after arriving...make-up. As I listened I was blown away at the statements made by those before me, Give GOD $1000.00, he will give you 100 times that, promised by HIS word, the HUNDRED FOLD BLESSING. I had to sit down and talk to the person who brought me there, I said that I was never involved with the lottery of FAITH. I also said that my GOD could do what ever HE wanted to for myself and my family, but HE never promised me RICHES just for giving to HIM what was already HIS. HE did say in my bible that he would pour out on me the blessings of Heaven, more than I could imagine or conceive, but that that was an act of faith that would be honored by HIM. well, as the speakers came one by one to the pulpit, they out did each other with their claims, it was soon thereafter that I realized that these were the men who owned the Aircraft, these were the men talking about self sacrifice, these were the men who said that if it doesn't come now it is on it's way, these are the men who spoke of the great sacrifices that they indured to get the total message of giving, these are the men who are staying in the $600.00 per night rooms, and having room service when they need it. Then I took the mike and said that my GOD is a very simple GOD, HE knows what I need, HE knew that I needed healing, HE gave me the healing, HE put no price on that promise except that I believe that HE could, HE only asked me to give this message to the masses I come in touch with, this I have done, and I must say that I among all men am most richly blessed. So when you are tempted to play the TV CHRISTIAN LOTTERY, 100 times what you take off the plate of your children, read this again. I am not saying that GOD cannot multiply your gifts because HE can, I am not saying that you should not expect HIS promises because you should, but I am saying that those who live in the lap of Luxury at your expense are not the ones to follow. I asked one of the most prominent men on the program, would he have the courage to give it all up today on this program and trust GOD to bring it back. The response was, "Am I Crazy", it took him a long time to get where he is. My GOD can take me there any day of the week, because HE knows my needs and has always fulfilled them. HE can fulfill your needs also, just make sure you are not fulfilling the extravagance of the TV dude who wants your money..GOD has no lottery, HE only has eternal life as a gift, and a gift is free...see you next time on the deacon says..