Wednesday, October 01, 2008


There are times that I sometime think that I am a out of touch older person who was at one time very hip. I always had a foothold on the cutting edge of the business and entertainment world, since I was involved at that level in New York City, in the night club business. Never did I ever think that I would draw people to GOD thru the same enviornment, that I advertised the main acts of the club in the City. The club was Basin Street East, one of the biggest in the city, next to the Latin Quarter, and the Copa Cabana.

We were all Mob affiliated in those days, and the very fact that I would drag GOD into that sewer, for the ministry, never even crossed my mind. I always went out of town to make amends with the Lord, by doing Gospel Concerts, to hope that I had given HIM what was do HIM. The bill always said that Larry Gray, from New York City was here to sing the praises of GOD. HE never struck me dead, because HE loved me. I however never tried to give the audience the night club routine, since I already knew that HE was not of this world. My wonderful father, never gave me bad words about my doing GOD's work, since when they took me from the orphanage, he gave me to GOD, and had enough faith, to know that GOD would see me through.

I can tell you that the penalty of sin is stronger than most of you reading this epistle would want to know. GOD always loves us, and takes care of us, but he does not let the willful transgressions go un-noticed, nor unpunished. I paid a great price physically for the willful acts of disobedience. I am gratefull that my life was spared.

All of this to say, that those who would bring the world into the church, and use the world to attract the masses, into the church, they are in need of some serious help. God is not of this world, and HE has made it clear that HE walks the quiet places of the earth, to communicate with us. GOD is not in Show Business, HE could easily be the best of the best, but Christianity is not a Hedonistic faith. The greatest preachers of the 20th Century were not Actors, nor did they have the musical show that is now in place. The whole thought behind the message was the teachings, that gave us the understanding of GRACE. Billy Sunday had Homer Rhodehaver as a musician, Billy Graham had Bev Shea as a musician, today there is a show that is almost vulger, in that it is intended to attract the viewer, to stay tuned for a message of salvation, that is somehow lost in the gloss of the entertainers that open the show. I call it the traveling Salvation Show. It is always shallow , and somehow falls short of the WORD.

God said;"I am not of this world", HE told us not to be of this world, but be transformed from it, by the renewing of our minds. It is a very serious game we play when we try to get the world into the pew, by disguising the message by the attractiveness, and seduction, of the worlds methods. Feel Good, It's Good, It's All Good, let GOD reign.

So when you think that what you are experiencing when you watch the tube, or are in a service that resembles a Las Vegas Show, right down to the wardrobe, you are probably right in not understanding, that this is a worship service, that does not seem seperated from the daily extravangza, of the best the world has to offer to get you in their house.

Thanks for the ear, see you all next time, here at the deacon says, God Bless


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