Monday, May 12, 2008


I almost never get to upset with the unusual theology that I witness on the tube via the "CHRISTIAN NETWORKS'. I must however tell you that I am taken aback with untold...brazen..verbage of the one and only Jesse DuPlantis, the southern wonder, who,because of the popularity of some more relevant TV preachers who find him amusing and different, have created a monster. One who has no shame, one who gets the job done for Jesse, and the rest has to be picked up by the local preacher who has no idea what can or cannot be said on the television that bears the name Christian message television.

This is sad at the very least. Why?,. well for starters, there are no checques and balances for the content of the broadcast, no quailfication of the person who is exposing the word of GOD, and last but not least, no disclaimer from the network, as to the content of the word that he professes to proclaim and that the people that have viewed this broadcast, have no way to check if the words proclaimed, and the orator, have the intelligence, both spiritual, and in the natural to back up the words that are exclaimed to the populas.

Jesse DuPlantis, on a broadcast from Daystar, proclaimed that the only reason that he gave up the world to follow the path that he is now involved with, id the the great God we serve came to him at a moment in his life, and told him, the meaning in his, Jesse's, was to proclaim that HE is coming back. take what you have and get ready, HE , is coming back. Get ready with your finances and other things, HE, is comping back.

I can tell you with authority, that before Jesse DuPlantis started spouting the gospel, with the help of some very heavy TV friends, he was very poor, as compared to the bottom line of the ministry today. Huge Cars, Huge Homes, Jet Planes, and good portfolios of investments. This from the man who said, with tears in his eyes that GOD had told him to bring the message that HE is coming soon. Now if that be the case I would sell all that I have give it to the poor, get in alignment with GOD and make sure that those who I had given the message to had a good example of the word from the messenger, that I had taken heed that all that was needed was to take my mansion in Heaven and get the word out from my own resources, so that GOD would see that I had followed HIS word, and those who heard the word, were able to have an example of demonstration, that I believed the word I got.

The word that Jesse got made him a very rich man, and I must tell you that you can't have both. You can be wealthy and serve the Lord, some HE gives wealth to get the message to the people, others he calls to help the man of GOD to get the message to the people, but I doubt that HE gives someone the message to get wealthy from. The proof is in the background of the people that exploit those who follow. Google is a great key in todays world, since we can go there and get the background of those who try to control our spiritual lives. Jesse was a so-so person, trying to be an entertainer of sorts, but when he turned to the gospel, he soon started to see the big bucks that follow, because everyone wants to get to Heaven, and what better way than thru some ultra dramatic venture.

Well enough said. If you want to keep following this person, that is your choice. Let me say you will not become wealthy supporting him, but he will increase his wealth daily, with that great smile on his face. If you believe that GOD took him from his station in life and told him to take the message that I just witnessed for the 6th time, and you would not see the vast wealth he has accumulated from getting people in line to follow his message, given from GOD then you are the only one who can search your heart, and find the reason that you chose to be a part of the scam.

Until next time here on the Deacon Says..I give you peace, and remember that Jesus did not die a horrible death, for the pocketbooks of those who have given us the traveling Salvation Show, or the Candy Coated TV networks..

God Bless, until next time, Live each day as if it were your last, for one day it will be...The Deacon


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