Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Often I am tempted to shout aloud even when by myself when one of these wonderful Spirit Filled, Annointed, Fire Blessed, wizzards of the WORD, come out and offer the secrets to the Kingdom for a fee or as they would say, " a love offering to the ministry". My how that fails to move me when taken in context with the WORD of GOD. I began to imagine the Carpenter standing by the sea preaching to the crowd and offering them the Beatitudes for $99.95 at a one time price or $33.00 per month for 3 months. How about telling Peter that if had $100.00 cash or credit card, HE would allow him, Peter, to walk on the water. How about the blind man, he could have sold the mud to him to give him sight for at least $100.00, isn't your sight worth that much? Now lets move to the Garden where the sentrys ear was hacked off by Peter, just imagine giving the sentry an opportunity to have it replaced for $19.95 cash or credit card or maybe returning the 30 pieces of silver. My how creative the Carpenter could have become if only he had the advantage of a Benny Hinn, Rod Parsley, John Hagee, Crethro Dollar or the lovely Taffy Dollar, bishop Duncan, the list goes on. Just think how rich the Carpenter could really have become, HE could have loaded down poor Judas with silver and gold and jewels and daily trips to the Bank. Well He lost a great opportunity didn't HE ? Instead for nothing HE died on a cruel cross for the likes of you and me, the cost? LOVE..He who knew no sin, became sin for you and me so that we would have eternal life. I guess that the example that HE left us was one of SIMPLICITY and GRACE..The unmerited favor HE gave all to come to HIM, lay your burdens at the cross and leave them there, no burden to great for HIM to bear or forgive..Think about this the next time one of the Amazing wizzards of the Gospel tell you that GOD has given them an insight to the WORD, that can be yours and set you free for a small stipend, a word you must hear for biblical clarity..See you next time right here on the deacon says...