Friday, September 22, 2006


These wonderful times we live in have given me cause to pause in my thinking about just what amendments have been added to the GREAT COMMISSION. I was moved the other day by the almost teary plea from that theological giant Benny Hinn in his need to get the Gospel out before the return of the Carpenter..Time it is a-wasting, and we do not want to be held accountable to the Great God Almighty for our lack of vision in helping to pay for this $15,000,000.00 JET aircraft, to better get to the needy of the world with the redemptive Gospel of Salvation. Now before I begin to cry myself, this is the same Benny Hinn run out of Orlando Florida for his less than truthful approach to the message he portrays to his followers of his attention to all of their personal needs and requests..Mainly the DUMPSTER full of un-opened requests for healing, the pictures of the loved ones in need of his personal prayers, and of course various assundry other documents discovered by a national TV reporter at the time. Also this is the same Benny Hinn that travels first class with his staff and friends to the ends of the world,. stays in $1000.00-$2000.00 per night hotel accomodations , eating only the finest of foods and protected by a contingent of persons and body guards, wears only the finest tailored clothing and the very best of Gold watches and Diamond rings. This man has the courage to sell us on the idea that the GOD who told us to care for the widows and the orphans, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, and take care of the local needs of our fellow congregants, should dig deeper to pay for his extravagance, A JET AIRPLANE. If we don't we will answer to GOD as to why we have not given heed to the needs of the man of GOD. Well brothers and sisters, someone better pull their heads out of the sand and get the courage to openly expose the opulant life styles that we as a viewing body are contributing to. Ask yourself the following, If Jesus were to arrive for a meeting today with HIS flock, would HE need a GULFSTREAM JET with HIS logo and PR firm announcing the meeting? Far cry from a Jackass isn't it? but then he would never have fit the mold of HIS current pretenders, would HE?. Well, when you feel up to getting off some big bucks for the Carpenter, find the local rescue mission, find a homeless ministry, find a family in distress, and HELP them in the name of JESUS...this would be HIS way, and as for the JETS fo JESUS....they just keep getting bigger, along with the egos of their owners, who I might add are not altogether is step with my LORD and my KING...until next time..see you here on the deacon says....