Thursday, January 11, 2007


I have over the years witnessed many new and challanging ministries, that have the ability to bring me to the I thought that I knew it. If you have studied the WORD for a number of years you can at any time bring scripture verses to mind that shake the foundations of the unbeliever with statements that are at best shocking. Many ministries have been founded in the age of the electronic church that bring something new and fresh to the avarage believer or church goer. Many people have never heard or witnessed some of the sideshow presentations that are shown daily on the tube in the name of JESUS. If you are one of these then relax and know that 88% of the christians in the United States of America have never experienced any of the things that they see on Christian Television from those who have been annointed by GOD to bring all of us the truth as they perceive it to be. GOD has selected a very few of these persons with a very special insight to the true meaning of the scriptures that you and I have followed most of our Christian lives. We have all wanted to see the hand of GOD work miracles..we have..yet they did not come packaged the way we are told GOD works. Then we now have the upsurge of the Prophet and the Prophetess..people who have an eye into the future of the world..the church...the state..the soul..the very reason for your life..If these same performances were given on the secular television they are of Satan. However if one of GOD's annointed does the exact same thing on Christian Television, it is a visual manifestation of the power of the Holy Spirit. Seems a little strange to me that the GOD I serve has given this gift to those who have all the dramatic skills of the performer. It is in fact a performance, who would doubt that GOD has the ability to give us insight to His world and the coming events, are you willing to call GOD a liar?? I have no doubt that you cringe when you try to fathom what you are experiencing on the tube, and why does GOD allow it to take place. Relax, many others are in the same situation and they have gone a step further to try to understand.. Do you know that most of the PROPHETS and PROPHETESS'S are very well off financially since people have the desire to find out what GOD's will for them in this world is, that they pay great sums to those who claim the mantle. Most for some reason are Pentecostal in background and find that the audience they preach to has the ability to believe that if they say that GOD said it , it must be true, because you do not question the Man of God...The operative word here is MAN of GOD. They and only they claim to be the MAN of GOD, and are you going to challange that authority??? I think not..Your local pastor has as much annointing as the slick dude on the tube, he only lacks the spit and polish that vast amounts of money bring with it..He can also lead you to the healing you pray for every day...You are the one who has to believe that GOD can..and the pastor is only one who stands in agreement with you in the time of need. If GOD wants you to know about tomarrow, believe me it will be made known to you..never will you be left alone to face the challange. He said." I will never leave you or forsake you" much stronger can HE say it, and it cost nothing, other than you trust...believe..obey..and call him to fulfill HIS the next time you have the need to know the future, call on the one who holds the future in HIS hands...He loves you...HE died for you...and HE is waiting for you in the land of no dawinings and no sunsets....until then see you here on...thedeaconsays...