Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Great Commission....Modified !!!!!!

There are times that I simply sit in Wonder, at the programs for Salvation, that are put forth, on the Christian Networks. I must say that I am blessed to have the time to moniter the Channels that offer the Gospel to the WORLD.

I certainly do not hold myself up as the authority on content, yet I must say that I, the chief of sinners, do look to the scriptures for the great commission, as relates to my 21st century obligation. I, who have been the worst of sinners in the past, and have had the great release of GRACE on my life, have an obligation to, at the very least, give an opinion on the state of the COMMISSION in these times.

It would appear that the current marketers of the faith, have at the very least, altered the words of the CARPENTER, as HE paid the ultimate sacrifice for my miserable soul. I can, in no way find that, HE, died for my ROLEX, BENTLY, THOUSAND DOLLAR SUITS, PERSONAL TRAINERS, PLASTIC SURGEONS, JET AIRCRAFT, MULTIPLE HOMES, And the rest of the side rewards, that are now offered on the TUBE.

I was sitting with an old friend of mine the other day, he is a man that GOD has richly blessed, and we were talking about the obligation that we , who have been blessed, owe to the continuation of the GOSPEL. We both agreed that the donation base from the local churches, to the local community, would far surpass the good that the , MAIL IN DOLLARS, to the TV preachers, have ever served.

Example; The TV preachers gather in over $500,000,000.00 dollars per year, for the further propagation of the message that they present. The message of prosperity, and abundance. If, the money, sent, from a member of a small southern church, was directed to the local community that the church served, it would put a great dent into the local poverty program. Expanding that to the Nation,$500,000,000.00 would take the place of the national welfare program, to a great extent, and give the Glory to the LORD who told us in the first place to take care of the ORPHANS and WIDOWS.

Have you any idea what one GULFSTREAM JET would cover? Try, 100,000 orphans in Africa for one year. 1 ROLEX president @$20,000.00 would feed 4000 people in your community. 1 BENTLEY automobile would feed 40,000 people in your community. 1 $1000.00 suit would give health care to 50 people in your community. 1 $2,000,000.00 home would take care of Jackson Mississippi, and its problems for 1 year.

What I am saying is, that we have lost the great commission, in this the 21st Century. We have lost the meaning of the CROSS. We have given over to the great TV revolution of the message. We are now getting the message of prosperity, confused with the message of ETERNAL life.

Jesus said, " Go and win them one by one. " We are all evangelists, we all have the ability to tell someone what CHRIST did for us at the cross. HE died for US, and when this vail of tears is over, we will all be together, forever, with no idea of the things we accumulated on this earth, to leave to those who would squander it, as the TV PREACHERS have done.

Just remember, the next time you have some extra money, instead of writing the check to the bank account of the PREACHER, and enriching his life. Take it to the local pastor who has fed you and comforted you, and give him a chance to put it in the local area, that you will probably meet the LORD inh.

Until next time, look to see you here on the deacon says, and have a great day.



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