Monday, December 26, 2011


On a lonely night, through the cool desert air surrounded by potential harm, a teenage couple, she pregnant sitting side saddle on a jackass and he, holding firmly to the bridle, went on a holy journey to the city that was instructed, to begin a life that would forever change the course of mankind. They arrived, found no accomodations in the local Inn, so journeyed farther to the stables, and there, dismounted, assembled a bed out of the straw on the floor, and began the process of giving birth. Not just any birth, but the birth of the only child ever born who would have the power over all things created, and the destiny of all generations to come. He...the only child ever conceived without an earthly father, who would live among men in humble surroundings, play with children just like everyone else, go through growings pains, never assemble wealth, care only about the eternal life of those that HIS father created, and die for the very mission HE was created for..on a Cross, between two thieves, with only the guards, HIS mother her friend, and John to care about HIS ending, a brutal one to say the least. Yet at the end of HIS life, HIS last thoughts were of the very people that HE was born to save, when HE said", Father forgive them...for they know not what they do". It is finished.....

On this foundation, we have, as only we can, turned this into the most GAUDY time of the year. We spend ourselves blind, we party till there in nothing left, we are anything but grateful for this awesome time in the worlds history, the our creator would fulfill a promise that HE made. To redeem us from ourselves.

Here we are all hung over, hopelessly in debt from the celebration, trying to get our tax information together for the season around the corner, and calling all of our friends to see what we got for Christmas, hoping to top one another in the grandure of our gifts, how sad.

May I remind you in all the fog that is lifting, that HE is still there and waiting for you to come home to HIM, even tho we have long forgot just what took place on that cool desert evening 2011 years ago, it really is the reason for the season, Take time to lower your head and thank HIM for just what he did, so that you can do what you do..

Happy New Year, let's make this a better one , because of who HE is and what HE has made us,
See you next time here on the Deacon Says....

Monday, December 20, 2010

JOY TO THE WORLD of course………

It has occurs to me as I read the current newspapers and watch the Television channels, especially the news and talk channels, that this old world has finally gone off the deep end, and the reason for the season has gone completely away. A long time ago we as a country called ourselves a Christian nation, pledged allegiance to the flag, put our hands over our hearts when we did, and prayed in school to start the day. We were one nation, catholic, protestant, Jewish, agnostic, atheist, whatever, we lived, played lived and fought together, won three wars, lost tens of thousands of young men in the process, and always were proud to be Americans.

Now we have the pleasure of  apologizing to the world for being to aggressive, for not understanding the needs that they have to kill us, and mold us more to the general likeness of those who are not our friends, nor share our combined faiths nor values. But do like the fact that because we are a Christian Nation, even though our current President says we are not, have learned how to merchandise and market the sentiment that goes with the spirit of the Christmas season, and turned it into the biggest dollar and cents period of the entire shopping year, where 20% of the total dollars spent at the marketplace are spent at this time of the year.

If those who would make us take down the Christmas signs, and replace them with the Happy Holiday signs, removing Christ and his birthday, for the main celebratory  reason for all of the advertising Blitz. And if they could find another reason to build up a campaign that can equal all of the momentum that builds with Concerts, Plays, programs, services, events, and Public Relation ideas, and still get the dollars coming in to equal this time of year, then by all means get to it, and let us who do believe, have our small time of spiritual celebration, keep our old time values in place for our children and grandchildren for years to come, and let the rest of the world go by.

By the way, do you think that maybe we could begin to promote the birth of Obama, or  Chavez, or some other hero so the new world will be able to continue to bring in the bucks that they are currently stealing from those who would keep Christ in Christmas…Well see you next time in THE DEACON SAYS…and keep the faith, God still Loves you…

Saturday, December 19, 2009


It all happened as one teenage couple set out on a lonely cold journey, she pregnant riding a jackass, he, walking alongside, acting as guide on their destination to reach Bethlehem of Judea, to be counted for the annual census of Herod the King. This rather humble start was the beginning of a journey of world class proportion in the years to follow. Their trip was of Divine origin to culminate the words of the Angel some 9 months before, that this humble Jewish girl of early teen years, would bring forth the future King of the Jews, and the life she was to lead would be anything but simple and the child anything but ordinary. As the journey unfolded thru the desert regions, strange happenings began to unfold. First this was not a trip paid for in advance on American Express, with reservations made at the local Marriott. They were for all intended purposes people of meager means, and even less worldly wisdom to to handle what was about to happen in their lives.

As we know the story unfolds with supernatural happenings. Angels singing, shepherds following a Star in the East, Wise men coming from Iraq, Iran, Turkey and other places following the same Eastern Star and bring Gifts of relative importance for future reference as to the Kingship of this child from the young teenage couple.

A stable of questionable animal population replaced the presidential suite of the local Hotel, Swaddling clothing replaced the fine silks and linens reserved for the Royalty of the day. and mothers milk was the serving of preference, with no laundering facilities available for clean-up after such an event. Who would believe that the King of the universe was laying there in the stable area, and this was HIS beginning. Two years later the Shepherds, the Wise men and others reached the area where he was and they recognized what no one else could, that this child was the Messiah promised. They believed what the Angels had said,. and this was how the Kings life would begin, in a stable, surrounded by animals, living in the basics needed, with no visible sign here that this was anyone special.

Isn't it interesting that we have blown this into a world class money making event, both Spiritual and commercial. More money is spent in the commercial world in the Christmas season, celebrating the birth of the savior of the world, than at any other time of the year. The spiritual world uses this time to raise more money for the opulence of the church needs,(Christ died that we would have prosperity), than it does for the salvation message of the event. I can only imagine that if the Tele-Church had the opportunity to re-do the events of that night long ago, we would have Helicopters flying overhead with coverage of the trip. Reporters along the pathway to get interviews with the young couple, and a board of analysts, who would dissect every word said, both of the Angels and the Travelers. We would in fact completely lose any if not all of the importance of this event planned by God at the beginning of time, we would try to supplant GOD.

Well if nothing else happens to you this season, STOP, consider that for ONE COLD LONELY NIGHT, to very scared teenagers set out to complete the command from the FATHER, to journey to Bethlehem, complete the census, and then just trust that all of the events that would come forth over the next 33years would explain to a very skeptical world that HE had a plan, the plan worked. We, if we listen to the voice within, will find the PEACE that passes all understanding, and that it was all about ETERNAL LIFE, and the life to come. Not the size of our bank account, the car we drive, the house we live in, nor our prestige. Rather it is the Orphan, the Widow, the Homeless, the Hungry, HE was born for them, and if we listen, WE ARE THE MIRACLE THEY ARE PRAYING FOR.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


There are times that I sometime think that I am a out of touch older person who was at one time very hip. I always had a foothold on the cutting edge of the business and entertainment world, since I was involved at that level in New York City, in the night club business. Never did I ever think that I would draw people to GOD thru the same enviornment, that I advertised the main acts of the club in the City. The club was Basin Street East, one of the biggest in the city, next to the Latin Quarter, and the Copa Cabana.

We were all Mob affiliated in those days, and the very fact that I would drag GOD into that sewer, for the ministry, never even crossed my mind. I always went out of town to make amends with the Lord, by doing Gospel Concerts, to hope that I had given HIM what was do HIM. The bill always said that Larry Gray, from New York City was here to sing the praises of GOD. HE never struck me dead, because HE loved me. I however never tried to give the audience the night club routine, since I already knew that HE was not of this world. My wonderful father, never gave me bad words about my doing GOD's work, since when they took me from the orphanage, he gave me to GOD, and had enough faith, to know that GOD would see me through.

I can tell you that the penalty of sin is stronger than most of you reading this epistle would want to know. GOD always loves us, and takes care of us, but he does not let the willful transgressions go un-noticed, nor unpunished. I paid a great price physically for the willful acts of disobedience. I am gratefull that my life was spared.

All of this to say, that those who would bring the world into the church, and use the world to attract the masses, into the church, they are in need of some serious help. God is not of this world, and HE has made it clear that HE walks the quiet places of the earth, to communicate with us. GOD is not in Show Business, HE could easily be the best of the best, but Christianity is not a Hedonistic faith. The greatest preachers of the 20th Century were not Actors, nor did they have the musical show that is now in place. The whole thought behind the message was the teachings, that gave us the understanding of GRACE. Billy Sunday had Homer Rhodehaver as a musician, Billy Graham had Bev Shea as a musician, today there is a show that is almost vulger, in that it is intended to attract the viewer, to stay tuned for a message of salvation, that is somehow lost in the gloss of the entertainers that open the show. I call it the traveling Salvation Show. It is always shallow , and somehow falls short of the WORD.

God said;"I am not of this world", HE told us not to be of this world, but be transformed from it, by the renewing of our minds. It is a very serious game we play when we try to get the world into the pew, by disguising the message by the attractiveness, and seduction, of the worlds methods. Feel Good, It's Good, It's All Good, let GOD reign.

So when you think that what you are experiencing when you watch the tube, or are in a service that resembles a Las Vegas Show, right down to the wardrobe, you are probably right in not understanding, that this is a worship service, that does not seem seperated from the daily extravangza, of the best the world has to offer to get you in their house.

Thanks for the ear, see you all next time, here at the deacon says, God Bless

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Great Commission....Modified !!!!!!

There are times that I simply sit in Wonder, at the programs for Salvation, that are put forth, on the Christian Networks. I must say that I am blessed to have the time to moniter the Channels that offer the Gospel to the WORLD.

I certainly do not hold myself up as the authority on content, yet I must say that I, the chief of sinners, do look to the scriptures for the great commission, as relates to my 21st century obligation. I, who have been the worst of sinners in the past, and have had the great release of GRACE on my life, have an obligation to, at the very least, give an opinion on the state of the COMMISSION in these times.

It would appear that the current marketers of the faith, have at the very least, altered the words of the CARPENTER, as HE paid the ultimate sacrifice for my miserable soul. I can, in no way find that, HE, died for my ROLEX, BENTLY, THOUSAND DOLLAR SUITS, PERSONAL TRAINERS, PLASTIC SURGEONS, JET AIRCRAFT, MULTIPLE HOMES, And the rest of the side rewards, that are now offered on the TUBE.

I was sitting with an old friend of mine the other day, he is a man that GOD has richly blessed, and we were talking about the obligation that we , who have been blessed, owe to the continuation of the GOSPEL. We both agreed that the donation base from the local churches, to the local community, would far surpass the good that the , MAIL IN DOLLARS, to the TV preachers, have ever served.

Example; The TV preachers gather in over $500,000,000.00 dollars per year, for the further propagation of the message that they present. The message of prosperity, and abundance. If, the money, sent, from a member of a small southern church, was directed to the local community that the church served, it would put a great dent into the local poverty program. Expanding that to the Nation,$500,000,000.00 would take the place of the national welfare program, to a great extent, and give the Glory to the LORD who told us in the first place to take care of the ORPHANS and WIDOWS.

Have you any idea what one GULFSTREAM JET would cover? Try, 100,000 orphans in Africa for one year. 1 ROLEX president @$20,000.00 would feed 4000 people in your community. 1 BENTLEY automobile would feed 40,000 people in your community. 1 $1000.00 suit would give health care to 50 people in your community. 1 $2,000,000.00 home would take care of Jackson Mississippi, and its problems for 1 year.

What I am saying is, that we have lost the great commission, in this the 21st Century. We have lost the meaning of the CROSS. We have given over to the great TV revolution of the message. We are now getting the message of prosperity, confused with the message of ETERNAL life.

Jesus said, " Go and win them one by one. " We are all evangelists, we all have the ability to tell someone what CHRIST did for us at the cross. HE died for US, and when this vail of tears is over, we will all be together, forever, with no idea of the things we accumulated on this earth, to leave to those who would squander it, as the TV PREACHERS have done.

Just remember, the next time you have some extra money, instead of writing the check to the bank account of the PREACHER, and enriching his life. Take it to the local pastor who has fed you and comforted you, and give him a chance to put it in the local area, that you will probably meet the LORD inh.

Until next time, look to see you here on the deacon says, and have a great day.


Monday, May 12, 2008


I almost never get to upset with the unusual theology that I witness on the tube via the "CHRISTIAN NETWORKS'. I must however tell you that I am taken aback with untold...brazen..verbage of the one and only Jesse DuPlantis, the southern wonder, who,because of the popularity of some more relevant TV preachers who find him amusing and different, have created a monster. One who has no shame, one who gets the job done for Jesse, and the rest has to be picked up by the local preacher who has no idea what can or cannot be said on the television that bears the name Christian message television.

This is sad at the very least. Why?,. well for starters, there are no checques and balances for the content of the broadcast, no quailfication of the person who is exposing the word of GOD, and last but not least, no disclaimer from the network, as to the content of the word that he professes to proclaim and that the people that have viewed this broadcast, have no way to check if the words proclaimed, and the orator, have the intelligence, both spiritual, and in the natural to back up the words that are exclaimed to the populas.

Jesse DuPlantis, on a broadcast from Daystar, proclaimed that the only reason that he gave up the world to follow the path that he is now involved with, id the the great God we serve came to him at a moment in his life, and told him, the meaning in his, Jesse's, was to proclaim that HE is coming back. take what you have and get ready, HE , is coming back. Get ready with your finances and other things, HE, is comping back.

I can tell you with authority, that before Jesse DuPlantis started spouting the gospel, with the help of some very heavy TV friends, he was very poor, as compared to the bottom line of the ministry today. Huge Cars, Huge Homes, Jet Planes, and good portfolios of investments. This from the man who said, with tears in his eyes that GOD had told him to bring the message that HE is coming soon. Now if that be the case I would sell all that I have give it to the poor, get in alignment with GOD and make sure that those who I had given the message to had a good example of the word from the messenger, that I had taken heed that all that was needed was to take my mansion in Heaven and get the word out from my own resources, so that GOD would see that I had followed HIS word, and those who heard the word, were able to have an example of demonstration, that I believed the word I got.

The word that Jesse got made him a very rich man, and I must tell you that you can't have both. You can be wealthy and serve the Lord, some HE gives wealth to get the message to the people, others he calls to help the man of GOD to get the message to the people, but I doubt that HE gives someone the message to get wealthy from. The proof is in the background of the people that exploit those who follow. Google is a great key in todays world, since we can go there and get the background of those who try to control our spiritual lives. Jesse was a so-so person, trying to be an entertainer of sorts, but when he turned to the gospel, he soon started to see the big bucks that follow, because everyone wants to get to Heaven, and what better way than thru some ultra dramatic venture.

Well enough said. If you want to keep following this person, that is your choice. Let me say you will not become wealthy supporting him, but he will increase his wealth daily, with that great smile on his face. If you believe that GOD took him from his station in life and told him to take the message that I just witnessed for the 6th time, and you would not see the vast wealth he has accumulated from getting people in line to follow his message, given from GOD then you are the only one who can search your heart, and find the reason that you chose to be a part of the scam.

Until next time here on the Deacon Says..I give you peace, and remember that Jesus did not die a horrible death, for the pocketbooks of those who have given us the traveling Salvation Show, or the Candy Coated TV networks..

God Bless, until next time, Live each day as if it were your last, for one day it will be...The Deacon

Thursday, March 06, 2008

GOD DIDN'T GIVE UP..!!!!!!!!

How wonderful God is. I was reading once again in the Word about HIS faithful and positive love for all HIS children, you and me. Have you ever tried to humanize the apostles, the men they were and the baggage they had in their lives? They were not the perfect little examples of some conjured up image of what many denominations have led their congregants to believe. In and so doing they have destroyed real possibilities in some people to serve HIM as they had felt led to do, but became side tracked by the baggage in their lives that they were having trouble jetting away.

Think of Peter. He is one of my all time favorite characters in the Carpenters life. Young, fragile tempered, a little uneven emotionally, and yet totally in love with his LORD. How many of you have found many of the traits in Peters life, within your own? Think of how he would fit into the seminary enviornment of todays church, and what a nightmare he would have created, yet GOD saw through all of the imperfect layers, and molded a champion, that we down through the ages could look back on and see some of ourselves in as we worry and stumble along the walk.

James and John were not called the "Sons of Thunder", for their tranquil personalities. They were profane as was Peter, yet always trying to make the mark they were called to. God never gave up, and He was as always right. Down the line Paul, a real piece of work enters into the family of Apostles, and once again gives us courage to face our own demons, as we try to complete the call on our own lives. He murdered people, and in other ways was in general, a very nasty person. Yet, God never gave up on him and look what happened. Just to think that all of the history that the Word leaves behind for us to study, speaks daily to us from the heart of God, just what he calls and needs and that is not perfection. Humility is a strong trait, that comes after suffering, and trial, and brings us to total reliance on the FATHER.

So the next time you feel that you are a total disappointment, one that is a total embarrasment to the FATHER, one to weak to give up old habits overnight, gets a little profane when angry, yet always feel the call on your life, remember, that GOD left us HIS Word so that we could, if we would, read and listen to what HE tells us for the future, and never give up on us. We give up on ourselves, when we should not. We are after all on time in Gods time, and only HE knows when that perfect time is. But, all the baggage that you collected in your walk, has real significant value in your ministry to com.

Don't be led by the electronic church, be led by the Word of the FATHER, the one who left it behind for us to have for times such as these. Remember HE never gives up on us..Don't you dare give up!!!!!

See you next time here on the deacon says, God Bless