Wednesday, August 30, 2006


One of the most frequent asked questions of myself, is.."How can so many people from so many obscure places, surface with so much new found knowledge on what GOD was speaking when the word was set forth. That they have no special attributes other than the norm, what set them apart with all this insight that needs to be given to the world"?

I love those questions because they are at the root of the major problems within the body today. First let me say that it does not take a PHD to dissect what a fisherman wrote some 2000 years ago after he walked with the Carpenter. It may take some restructuring of the language from old English to modern english, but the message is never lost in the process, only the sentence structure. Also it is totally without merit, to argue that the bible has secret codes..meanings..etc. that are available to only a select few. If that be so then the whole content of the Word has failed, in that it was meant for everyone to understand book by book. sentence by sentence, chapter by chapter...not so that it would require some selected group to give the true meaning of what has been pretty simply written. The only time it gets complicated is when we attempt to force it, the Word, into all of the required denominational boxes giving all of the varied translations needed to support the foundation of the denomination. Do you really believe that God gives a hoot if you are Post Trib..or Pre Trib? Do you believe that the opinions offered on the condition of the Rapture are important? Do you believe that it is more important to be a Calvinist, or whatever denomination you choose to worship within? All of these problems stem from the basic thesis offered by the founders of the faith based system you worship within and are no more credible than a Holy Spirit inspired insight of your own. Greek...Hebrew...Aramiac..Latin...English...all lose some in the translation since some of the mentioned languages have no corresponding word in the other..Example: Hebrew has no word for MEEK...take it from there, you could go quite a distance. Greek has 5 meanings for the word IF..try that one, a national Bible Expositor and Dallas Seminary graduate has for years.
So what are we saying here? Child..listen to me..the Word of God is for everyone it is the simple story of the love of GOD..who loved you so much HE sent his Son Jesus to die on the cross of Calvary to pay for all the sins of mankind and get us to Heaven to be with HIM..So if you will obey His command to confess your sins and repent then you will forever be back home with Him and eternal rest...What was GOD really saying?...He was saying I LOVE for you and want you home with me at the end of the road..I love knowledge, and love the opportunity to share dialogue..but I have no time for arrogance within scripture and those who attempt to draw you into the web of elite discovery and Divine translation of hidden meanings within the Word. They build small and sometimes large ministries founded on the fact that you believe them to be selected by the Father to bring you special knowledge others cannot understand..That translates to big pocketbooks for the few...See you next time on The Deacon Says...Thanks