Thursday, May 26, 2005


Sometimes I just sit in amazement at the length that some of the more established TV preachers will go to convince their flock that the expenditure of considerable cash of ministry money for a really non essential ministry of..THE LORD. It appears that the fast growing new status toy within more financially gifted preachers and singers..wives..children..and other worthy ministry guessed it..the HARLEY DAVISON. That rock of all two wheel power vehicles..the king of the road..the envy of the faithful..the most lusted after motorcycle in America..their personal the Cruiser..the Hog..the Electro-glide..
Now we are talking some truly serious dollars here.Try $25,000.00 plus for whatever you want on it, and you know that Jesus wants you to have the very best because you are a Kings Kid..and you deserve the very best. The next problem faced is , how to explain the essential need of a Harley-Davison in the spreading of the good news of the gospel of our Lord. They are never short of creative thinking within their organizations for such gifts to themselves as guessed again..HARLEY'S for JESUS..HOLY of the ministry to save a lost group of people unable to be reached by car..the BIKER.
They even have the cool to make up "color vests"..with great spiritual logos..intimidating graphics..all the trappings of the authentic thing greatly missing..real bikers for the most part look upon them with amusement..they don't even resemble the real thing..Here they are in their biker get up..with their real tricked out Harley's..with their make-up..manacured fingernails..hairsprayed hair..perfume..shined up as usual..great gold jewelry and acrutiments..designer sunglasses..designer jeans..and really no place to go..They ban together form clubs..ride together film themselves..put it on the TV..and tell us how the ministry is reaching into new venues...your dollars pay for the bikes..the clothes..and every other wish of theirs..God has allowed you to put your money into good soil..their ministry...their bike..their pocket..and they are doing it for Jesus...HOLY HARLEY!!!!will we ever learn?..this is tax deductable for them..another way they are reaching into the world and into your pocket..what happened to the know, the ones GOD instructed you and I who are blessed to give our increase to,.. to give them a share

Monday, May 16, 2005


As you know.I come from a background in the and radio and news. We must have a good laugh..yet with tears of saddness..that the above claim was made for the umteenth time by that great , ( self proclaimed)..evangelist..R.W.Shambach. Seems he just can't let it go that he must constantly rehash the story of how he went into a south Texas hospital at the Lords leading..and after prayer and what ever..the Lord emptied the hospital..and all the sick and afflicted..walked out, and the hospital was empty.. This happened, as I would understand years ago..yet Schambach is the only one apparently who knows this..I have checked from every news source and television..for some happening that he purports to have taken place..for the last 40 years..No such luck..Now if any thinking person reall put their mind to this claim on national TV..he would have to assume that in the annuals of news broadcasting in the United States of America, since there are records...if such an incident would have certainly have made the local news, at the very least..and I know that it would have made the national and international news. The problem is that we have let those in the christian media make statements at their leasure..with no checks and balances..and then the rest of the world, who are looking at us through a fine glass..think that we are absolutly nuts..and full of the old ned..Before you throw this out..I must say for the record that I personally believe that if GOD wanted to perform such a deed, at His is without question that HE could..but we are not going to take the credit for any such me..So the next time you hear Schambach run a money scam by you on the tube..remember you have seen it here..and it appeared many times on..TBN broadcasting and also the Daystar network..look for the next installment soon on the deacon says..see you then

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Food is the answer..or is it?

would you believe that the scholars of the word now have come up with the answer to the long life we all try to attain? Just out ,that great scholar of the old and new testament..Perry Stone..has given us a new revelation from the scriptures from one of his personally selected bible scholars..that the word tells us that the secret to long life and the travel down the road is given us from the word in the old testament, cross referenced by the word on the new testament..Revelations chapter 2...verse 17. ..We must get it together if we are to get on the band wagon to heaven. I am always flabbergasted that the young penetcostal preachers, who have been given revelation that most of the people I have served with over the years have never been selected to receive...have the courage to give utterence to the new translations..given only to those who are on the front lines in these the last days..Somehow I have great problems with those who have and would transcend the word of God..which says that "No man knows the mind of GOD"...they have it would appear..been given special wisdom in the translation of the holy writ. Is it any wonder that the people who search for answers to the problems of life.from the word of GOD..get fed up with the things that they hear on the media..and say that they are eternally lost?...I am hoping that you would take heed and give those who would lead you astray the word..that they must have some checks and balances for the words that they proclaim..stay tuned for the next at the .deacon says...This program was on the Daystar network...May 3rd, 2005