Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Food is the answer..or is it?

would you believe that the scholars of the word now have come up with the answer to the long life we all try to attain? Just out ,that great scholar of the old and new testament..Perry Stone..has given us a new revelation from the scriptures from one of his personally selected bible scholars..that the word tells us that the secret to long life and the travel down the road is given us from the word in the old testament, cross referenced by the word on the new testament..Revelations chapter 2...verse 17. ..We must get it together if we are to get on the band wagon to heaven. I am always flabbergasted that the young penetcostal preachers, who have been given revelation that most of the people I have served with over the years have never been selected to receive...have the courage to give utterence to the new translations..given only to those who are on the front lines in these the last days..Somehow I have great problems with those who have and would transcend the word of God..which says that "No man knows the mind of GOD"...they have ..as it would appear..been given special wisdom in the translation of the holy writ. Is it any wonder that the people who search for answers to the problems of life.from the word of GOD..get fed up with the things that they hear on the media..and say that they are eternally lost?...I am hoping that you would take heed and give those who would lead you astray the word..that they must have some checks and balances for the words that they proclaim..stay tuned for the next installment.here at the .deacon says...This program was on the Daystar network...May 3rd, 2005


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