Monday, May 16, 2005


As you know.I come from a background in the and radio and news. We must have a good laugh..yet with tears of saddness..that the above claim was made for the umteenth time by that great , ( self proclaimed)..evangelist..R.W.Shambach. Seems he just can't let it go that he must constantly rehash the story of how he went into a south Texas hospital at the Lords leading..and after prayer and what ever..the Lord emptied the hospital..and all the sick and afflicted..walked out, and the hospital was empty.. This happened, as I would understand years ago..yet Schambach is the only one apparently who knows this..I have checked from every news source and television..for some happening that he purports to have taken place..for the last 40 years..No such luck..Now if any thinking person reall put their mind to this claim on national TV..he would have to assume that in the annuals of news broadcasting in the United States of America, since there are records...if such an incident would have certainly have made the local news, at the very least..and I know that it would have made the national and international news. The problem is that we have let those in the christian media make statements at their leasure..with no checks and balances..and then the rest of the world, who are looking at us through a fine glass..think that we are absolutly nuts..and full of the old ned..Before you throw this out..I must say for the record that I personally believe that if GOD wanted to perform such a deed, at His is without question that HE could..but we are not going to take the credit for any such me..So the next time you hear Schambach run a money scam by you on the tube..remember you have seen it here..and it appeared many times on..TBN broadcasting and also the Daystar network..look for the next installment soon on the deacon says..see you then


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