Wednesday, December 14, 2005


On an extremely lonely , dark, dusty chilly night, a teenage boy and girl approached the little town of Bethlehem hoping to settle into a room for the next couple of days so the young girl could deliver the baby she was carrying. As fate would have it there was to be no room available, but they were offered the stable for the night to rest their weary bones. As we know from the word of GOD...she was delivered a baby boy to be named JESUS. The only people warned of this event were the least likely ones to be told. Shepherds, the lowest class workers on the planet at the time, leading the dumbest animals on the planet, approached by of all things...Angels, singing Angels. Well nothing is written of the next days following the birth, we can only imagine that the young parents wondered how such a powerful GOD could use such a humble place to announce the birth of the one who would be the savior of the world. Then we of course know that two years later the wise men showed up at the place where JESUS was then, and gave gifts that were prophetic.
I must now bring us up to the present where all of the world, led by the church, has turned this most humble event into a circus that has no peer. You must understand, that this time of year in the US alone, will generate $200,000,000,000.00 dollars, 90% of that payed on credit cards..56% of which will become delinquet before 8 months have passed. 96% of the purchases will have nothing to do with religion..or the meaning of the season. Also there is now a move afoot to delete the name of the party whose birthday it is..since it is offensive to the ACLU and other interested parties. The biggest offenders are the CHRISTIANS, who of all people should be crying out for a halt to this maddness, instead they televise..broadcast..produce shows in church..all of which become a financial burden to the body. The churches are asking at this time of year for you to max out the card for the work of JESUS...and HE will give you blessings untold.
Just think if you could or would, about the baby boy born for our eternal life..HE never made a point in HIS own words to ever mention HIS birthday, which is not December 25, or to mention parties thrown in honor of same. In fact we have no record of any more time in HIS life until the age of 12, and then stunning the elders in the Temple with the profound wisdom given HIM by HIS father GOD. then HE is 30 and is now starting the rest of HIS if their was some great importance attached to the celebration of this time with vast expenditures of cash and gifts I am sure it would be recorded in the WORD. It is not.Should we celebrate the birth if the SAVIOR of all mankind? You bet! and if you are all bent on spending fortunes then do it as HE would have..give BIG dollars to the local rescue missions..the halfway homes...the battered women shelters..the orphanages..feeding the the naked..and not writing it off on your taxes..Does this hurt? I HOPE SO...we are so far off base with the reason for the season that we should ask forgiveness from the birthday boy HIMSELF...I Will!!!See you next time on the deacon says..God Bless