Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Well this is the semi-annual time for the Trinity broadcastingNetwork to fleece the flock for their annual costs. First you need to know that according to the LosAngeles Times research..they, Trinity, have over $168,000,000.00 in their coffers. If you take that at the annual interest rates for accounts..that would return $67,000,000.00 annually for the network expenses plus what is given. Trinity always hauls out the big guns for the fleecing with credentials that only they believe. B ut one of the better is Dr. Marc.Chirona..a young man from Florida and other parts along the journey. I must tell you that it takes all I can muster up not to bend over in laughter with the dialogue that comes from his mouth about the desires of GOD for the flock. He sounds alot like the piramyd salesmen who have various levels of blessings along your productive path to success. He, Dr. Chirona, has of course been given insight by the Almighty that even Billy Graham would not have the courage to dispense. Namely that you must first put forth the buck before GOD can decide what level of blessing that HE is going to bestow upon you.
No money...no blessing...GOD hates a tightwad...well at least that is what the good Dr. says. I have done some investigating into the credentials of this man of GOD..seems that the only one who can back up his claims about his education in the doctoral arena id himself, and that scares me..He has been on shaky ground before and it seems that no one cares...I DO. Also the penecostal vocabulary is foremost in his presentation.." current rain...latter rain...a season of time..100 fold blessing..etc.."..I tell you that it is no wonder that the world thinks that those of us who have the stupidity to believe that a carpenter from Nazareth was crucified that we..you and I..would have eternal life..never mentioning that there was any attachment save that we confess our sin.and believe that HE died for our salvation and take our cross and follow HIS message...well I just wanted to say that if you are watching and wondering when these fleecings come along where you fit into the picture..let me put it this way..If that still small voice within your spirit tells you to send along an offering..then by all means do...but PLEASE...listen to the voice of the spirit..it will never fail you...believe me when I tell you..THOSE CLOWNS ON THE NETWORK WILL...enough comment from me..listen to the VOICE....until next time...see you here on thedeaconsays...