its time to pay the piper...yes you TV evangelists
The time is now for all of the very grabbing TV evangelists and Networks to now ..Pay The Piper...You have all collectivley recieved upwards of $450,000,000.00 from the faithful flock who have put their trust in the program that you have said came from GOD..given to you and sanctioned at the cross for the financial upward mobility of your listeners...they who have sacrificed and given what they did not have to help the ministry that you have all said was driven by GOD Himself to get the flock out of now in your hands to give back to those who have now lost everything and have no possible immediate way to get back on their is you who have to get into your pockets and direct that which you do not have to relieve the pressure and agony that is laying on the hearts and familys of those who have lost it all. Just what do you say to those who now have needs greater than you have ever experienced..since they lack the ability of a TV network..and PR people to help them get the message across..WE NEED HELP..whatever you give will be minute..against that which was given to you..and your mega millionairre lifestyles...your impossible ability to understand real suffering...and most of all credibility to explain why you are unable to give to them what they gave to you...even if the false tears fall down the pink haired facial shots on Trinity..and other Christian networks..Shame on all of you...GOD is not MOCKED..we have just seen the biggest possible example of false compassion..directed to those whoase names you don't even know..Well take heed that the secular world who already have great problems with you have quadrupled the financial relief efforts that you have been able to muster...some of you have even had the gall to ask for money to be sent to the networks that you own..that we believe you would forward the full amount to those in need. This is the very first time that I have taken you on from the heart with knowledge of your operations that comes from 40 years of experience working and operating within your sphere..If you really have the heart you claim..then bring some of the very simple suffering familys into your mega million dollar homes..with the 60 count sheets..imported tile floors..expensive antiques..and swimming pools and Saunas that would give them a taste of the good life...from GOD of course..Tommy Barnette...I love you and will always give you the credit you deserve to open your ministry facilities to those who have a are special..and Matt as well..GOD will as always bless you and the ministry..from the rest of the world...thank you..Well enough of this I must now consentrate on the people suffering..take heed and give..but not to the TV ministry..The Red Cross..and others..they will give the m oey to the needy..Until next time...see you at the deaconsays..... |
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