One of the most interesting things about the wonderful world of Christian Television, is the fact that on no other medium known to mankind can you find more Dr.s of theology than this. I never cease to be amazed at the preachers that are known as Dr. so and so..or and so..or the right reverand so and so. It just boggled the mind that all of these seeming authoratative titles are needed to say what a simple carpenter from Nazareth spoke some 2000 years ago. We had no knowledge of such words as; the Master spoke to us those wonderful words of Grace and Salvation. It is also suggested that one should at the very least take a crash course in Dramatics 101..before attempting to deliver the gospel to the masses..or was that the intended venue in the beggining. Jesus would by all standards of the current TV preacher..fall way short in the catagories mentoned...seems He just spoke from the heart and the God of His existance brought it into being. I have often wondered just what would happen to the church if for some unknown reason..the same standard that applies to the educators for the world with degree scrutiny..was required of them. At least 90% of the current doctors of theology..would have to admit that they were not earned..rather self endowed from personally owned bible schools or institutions that were funded by the churches pastored or founded by the receivers of these bogus letters of academia. So the next time you are overwhelmed by the ignorance of the "doctor" delivering the message of the Holy Writ..just take into acccount the source of his integrity..see you next time here at THE DEACON SAYS...
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