As one who has served the country, (USMC)..and millions of other good young men...I am at this point disturbed at the results of the polls..that would suggest that the church..(EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANS)...are bringing the greatness of this land to its knees. Some of the good politicians that have stood the course without wearing the church affiliation on there sleeves are now paying the price for the belief of their childhood. It is sad that those who would pretend to speak for millions of Americans on the tube..actually represent a very small portion of the voting public..yet fall into the phrase."EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN". I must say that the bible does not support a political opinion..good or bad. The Carpenter from Nazareth never got caught up in the fray of HIS day. HE did say that, when approached for advise regarding the Roman rule of the day..that they should.."RENDER to the GOVERNMENT what was their...and unto GOD ..what was HIS". The one thing that is sorely missing in these days is the LOVE he spoke of so frequently. HE said ."WE ARE KNOWN BY OUR LOVE...that is easy to understand when you look at the context. Confrontation gets you opens doors. The latest stats from the polling agencies would suggest that 80+% believe in GOD in this great land. God is not ..Methodist..Nazarene..Episcopal..Presbyterian...Assembly of God..Luthren...Catholic..Independant..Baptist..Jewish....HE IS GOD. Man has made HIM the afore mentioned leader. To listen to Paul millions of Americans do..and realize that politicians are now turning away from the EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN movement as regards comes as no surprise. When you take into account that the greater percentage of American believers...most do not have a connection to the TELEVISION EVANGELISTS..and survive at the local level for their spiritual support..I have done a good study of those on the various EVANGELICAL NETWORKS...and have come to realize that the greater percentage of the TV PASTORS..have no patriotic military service..However this great land that has allowed them to enrich themselves thru the gifts of their listeners..has given them a false sense of leadership and knowledge as regards the governing of the land. TBN..DAYSTAR...WORLD HARVEST TV...CBN..they all are founded by persons with an agenda..Pat Robertson has become a National embarrasment..(KILL A DICTATOR)..Paul Crouch..accused by Lonny Ford of a Homosexual relationship..Daystar...bringing some of the most flaky spiritual leaders on the tube..and World Harvest..more of the same..yet these people that appear on these networks have an audience of million that purport to speak for all of us who have followed the way of the CROSS..I don't think so..and furthermore..if those of us who disagree speak loud enough..maybe we can catpure back the true meaning of the CROSS..and let those who are making all the money from these various held accountable for the dis-information they throw out to the masses..not only here in the good old USA..but now around the world...THEY DON'T SPEAK FOR THE CHURCH IN AMERICA..and this is not what we who have come under GRACE for our sins have supported. It would do the world a service to know that these networks have taken just under a BILLION DOLLARS per year for their own coffers...could probably finance a welfare system for the poor that would certainly come into line with the Carpenter who told us.."SUPPORT THE WIDOWS and ORPHANS " well enough for now..I must thank you for your faithfulness in reading..until next time...see you here on thedeaconsays... |