Monday, October 31, 2005


Sometimes I have to recover my senses to understand what I have just witnessed. I have been aware of the New Orleans evangelist..Jesse DuPlantis..former rock musician..substance abuser..ner-do-well..Well I believed that he had a good experience with his salvation encounter..and that he realized that all of us who have transgressed are in the same boat..and that the GOD who sent HIS SON for our redemption, was the same GOD who would lead us home and to the cross where the plan that HE had for our lives, would eventually in HIS time come. I must say that this young older man..has come mega steps into the fray as one who now understands that GOD wants him and all those who hear his voice..(JESSE'S) be above all else abundantly well financially rewarded. Now I must tell you that he had help with the ministry of one Kenneth young man whose gospel recordings I used to play with great regularity on the local Christian Radio Station..WMCU.FM...against all the flack of those in management who were convinced that Kenneth was out for himself. Kopeland took this young..comedic..talented..short evangelist under his wing and with nurturing..brought him to the masses, along with Jerry Seville..the HARLEY GANG...this is so sad now that he has the financial rewards that come from those who have the key to the masses thru television. Now this former less than steller citizen, that we all exstolling the virtues of the many fold financial blessing to those who have the insight to listen to him and give to the firtile soil...HIS MINISTRY. You need to know that Jesse has all of the trappings of a rock star...private jet..expansive and expensive personal living investments..and he thanks all of you for the faithfulness of your giving..Luxury class acommodations..the best of clothing..and most of all a secure future financially. This is disturbing to me since I know that 80% of those who give a steady flow to his ministry are those who need it much more than he does..and when they are discouraged..he is not there with the 1-2-3,000.00 dollar check to redeem their debt load. GOD did not send HIS keep us in the baubles and Bangles of this me..that is frivioulous..HE DIED FOR OUR SINS...and that we would have life ETERNALLY...anything else is the fulfilment of life more me..GOD CARES FOR YOU...and HE will look after all your needs..HE has mine and my wifes..think about this..see you next time on the deacon says....

Monday, October 03, 2005


There are no limits that are given to the people on christian TV..especially at telethon time..The best of those who are required guests is Mike Murdock..on of the best snake oil salesman on the tube in the 21st century..He plays the piano well...he sings well..he lies well..he is so convincing that even the devil himself would go to the bank and borrow the money to get in on the bandwagon of GOD'S promised millions..I have every bible published..and none of them promise me that I will get a million from GOD for my sacrifical gifts..especially to the TV ministries..and those who own them..Make no are not a partner in Daystar or are a giver only..and you will never have the benefir of a stock holder as in any other investment venture..nor will you have a word of credible input into the running of both networks. The owners of these networks...Paul and Jan Crouch...and Marcus and Joni Lamb..their assigned representatives and family are the owners of the networks..and the extra proceeds..and there are many..are the property of the afore mentioned persons..Now that we understand this..let us also say that the same GOD you pray to..follow ..serve..worship..does not give them any message that HE would not extend to you..I have never heard my wonderful GOD say that HE was going to make me a very rich man..HE has certainly taken very good care of myself and my wife..I have no complaints..but HE has never said that I should give HIM an offering and to expect a 100 fold return. I must say that I have never been able to out give GOD..but I am sure that if I had to much money..I would probably mismanage it..of course unless I .listened to Mike Murdock..who would have me give it to him or Daystar..well enough is need to know that GOD is telling you the same things HE tells others..and that is that we need to trust HIM...serve those who have personal needs...the widows..the orphans..the down trodden..certainly not the TV dudes that need to keep the personal Jets flying..the taxes paid on the mansions they live in..the wardrobes updated they wear..the antiques they love..the world class wine they drink..and the excesses that go along with the lifestyle they enjoy..GOD never promised me a million dollars..but that HE promised..HE delivered..Praise His name..until next time..see you at thedeaconsays...