Monday, June 27, 2005


Sometimes I just sit in amazement at the times we live in and wonder what we are going to do when the ICONS of the faith are no longer around. We are in an era when one of the most gifted,totally committed preachers of the GOSPEL is at the end if a career. We have only the hope that in the future..we will be able to understand the full impact of the the ministry of Billy Graham .
We must look at the example that he is leaving us . Billy never tried to enrich himself or his family with the power that GOD gave him in the answer to the call. This simple young man, who when he answered the call, could have taken a career in baseball, where he could have easily been one of the future stars. He instead answered the call of GOD on his life and with the help of those who recognized the call..stayed the course and ventured forth into uncharted waters. My father was one of those who at the very start realized that this is a man who has been truly called. The Christian Businessmens Committee International recognized this and those who could, gave of their resources, to provide funds for this young preacher to tell the Gospel that GOD had laid on his heart. Some tithed 90% of their income and others less to get this young preacher started. It was a good investment...he never gave the world a chance to sabatoge his calling. I remember dad telling me that Billy would never meet someone of the opposite sex alone...would never enter a hotel room alone...would never put any stumbling block into the fray as the crusades increased. He wanted only to provide the truth of the word, that Jesus Christ died for our sins..wanted to redeem us..and we could, if we followed through, receive the gift of eternal life from a simple decision to accept him as our eternal Savior. It should be noted in the day that we live in with all of the brazen Tele-Evangelists..that they are not even of the same mold. Billy started with a family in Montreet North Carolina..and ended at the same address. He never gained personal wealth from the ministry GOD gave him...he wears no outlandish big world class thousand dollar custom designed body personal living compound..only the same staff that started with him in the early 50's. The highest paid member of the staff was by accident, the wonderful singer George Beverly Shea..who by total default, was a recording artist with RCA records receiving royalties which eclipsed the staff his credit he became one of the biggest tithers to the ministry..Billy faced all of the normal family problems that all of us face with our off-spring. Divorce..Drugs and Substance abuse..Rebellion..etc. Yet God fullfilled His promise to the young preacher that if he stayed the course..GOD would keep HIS word. All of Billy's family is in the fold..and we have only to see that if we belive the word..GOD will keep HIS WORD. "If we raise up our children in the WORD, when they mature, they will not depart from it". So as one who has followed the career of this wonderful servant of the Gospel..I must say that, if those who want to follow in the steps of the one called..they would do well to consider the CALL...and after praying over it..find that GOD did not call them to some royal status..with the gift of wealth..opulance..and worldly possession..rather that the Gospel was not meant for a roadmap to personal was meant to save those of us in this world who need redemption..and let GOD fullfill the rest.
I must say in the final word that I am one who has felt the impact of this simple man of GOD..and I must say that of all the preachers in the world today both locally..and Nationally..this is the only one who has preached the WORD in its simple form..and has , as we would say..WALKED THE TALK..Can you think of another? So my dear one may I leave you with this Irish Blessing,"May the road rise to meet you..may the wind be always at your back..may the good LORD hold you in the palm of HIS hand.and may you be an hour in HEAVEN, before the devil knows you are dead".
See you next time on ...the deaconsays...

Monday, June 06, 2005


One of the most interesting things about the wonderful world of Christian Television, is the fact that on no other medium known to mankind can you find more Dr.s of theology than this. I never cease to be amazed at the preachers that are known as Dr. so and so..or and so..or the right reverand so and so. It just boggled the mind that all of these seeming authoratative titles are needed to say what a simple carpenter from Nazareth spoke some 2000 years ago. We had no knowledge of such words as; the Master spoke to us those wonderful words of Grace and Salvation. It is also suggested that one should at the very least take a crash course in Dramatics 101..before attempting to deliver the gospel to the masses..or was that the intended venue in the beggining. Jesus would by all standards of the current TV preacher..fall way short in the catagories mentoned...seems He just spoke from the heart and the God of His existance brought it into being. I have often wondered just what would happen to the church if for some unknown reason..the same standard that applies to the educators for the world with degree scrutiny..was required of them. At least 90% of the current doctors of theology..would have to admit that they were not earned..rather self endowed from personally owned bible schools or institutions that were funded by the churches pastored or founded by the receivers of these bogus letters of academia. So the next time you are overwhelmed by the ignorance of the "doctor" delivering the message of the Holy Writ..just take into acccount the source of his integrity..see you next time here at THE DEACON SAYS...