Monday, December 26, 2011


On a lonely night, through the cool desert air surrounded by potential harm, a teenage couple, she pregnant sitting side saddle on a jackass and he, holding firmly to the bridle, went on a holy journey to the city that was instructed, to begin a life that would forever change the course of mankind. They arrived, found no accomodations in the local Inn, so journeyed farther to the stables, and there, dismounted, assembled a bed out of the straw on the floor, and began the process of giving birth. Not just any birth, but the birth of the only child ever born who would have the power over all things created, and the destiny of all generations to come. He...the only child ever conceived without an earthly father, who would live among men in humble surroundings, play with children just like everyone else, go through growings pains, never assemble wealth, care only about the eternal life of those that HIS father created, and die for the very mission HE was created for..on a Cross, between two thieves, with only the guards, HIS mother her friend, and John to care about HIS ending, a brutal one to say the least. Yet at the end of HIS life, HIS last thoughts were of the very people that HE was born to save, when HE said", Father forgive them...for they know not what they do". It is finished.....

On this foundation, we have, as only we can, turned this into the most GAUDY time of the year. We spend ourselves blind, we party till there in nothing left, we are anything but grateful for this awesome time in the worlds history, the our creator would fulfill a promise that HE made. To redeem us from ourselves.

Here we are all hung over, hopelessly in debt from the celebration, trying to get our tax information together for the season around the corner, and calling all of our friends to see what we got for Christmas, hoping to top one another in the grandure of our gifts, how sad.

May I remind you in all the fog that is lifting, that HE is still there and waiting for you to come home to HIM, even tho we have long forgot just what took place on that cool desert evening 2011 years ago, it really is the reason for the season, Take time to lower your head and thank HIM for just what he did, so that you can do what you do..

Happy New Year, let's make this a better one , because of who HE is and what HE has made us,
See you next time here on the Deacon Says....