Monday, March 12, 2007


Time has taken its toll on those who would try to put the message of salvation into a show business atmosphere, especially those who depend on the television viewing audience for financial support. What a tradgedy for those who surf the channels for something to view and come up with the clowns that purport to be GOD'S man for the hour...tune in and see the biggest sham ever as it relates to the gospel of eternal life..namely the plan of salvation. Is there no one on the planet that cringes when outrageous claims are made to back up the need for money, and your obligation to give. That anyone with a modicum of bible knowledge knows that the Carpenter from Nazareth never had a full time paid staff of 12 young men, and a part time paid staff of 70. To actually claim that the bible supports this is total fabrication. The claim as they would say, is that the Carpenter had a treasurer, namely Judas, because they had so much cash flow that they needed someone to be in charge. The next would be that the robe that the Carpenter wore during HIS ministry was so valuable that the Roman Guards actually gambled for it..Well seemless garments were a rare item to be sure, however, the fact that this person claiming to be the Son of God, was up there dying would place a greater value on it. After all can GOD die? I am perplexed that some of these people have no fear of putting these bits of information out there without thinking that someone would at the very least question how this information can be supported. That the Carpenter lived high on the hog..that his 12 followers were the best kept individuals...that they were flowing with excess is just not true..For starters, the bible says that the birds have there home the created beings have their home yet the SON of Man has nowhere to lay his head. The triumphal entry into the Holy City was not done by the most expensive transportation of the was on the back of a borrowed JackAss..the 12 employees did not retreat to their various estates upon HIS arrest, they fled to the hill or parts unkmown...HE did not have a trust fund set aside for HIS mother upon HIS death, rather from the cross HE instructed that HIS mother would be the ward of HIS beloved John. HIS siblings were not the beneficiary of vast sums, they fended for themselves. In other words THE CARPENTER gave no thought for tomarrow, since tomarrow would take care of itself, just as HE instructed us to put our lives in HIS hands and HE would guide us as to tomarrow. How different today has become. What we are witnessing on the tube is so far from the reality of the truth, that we must somewhere, somehow, call those to account who are collecting great wealth for themselves and in some cases bragging about it, and at your and my expense. The Carpenter did not die for my Bently, or my $1,000,000.00 home, or my $10,000.00 wrist watch, or my $17,000,000.00 airplane, or my $500,000.00 vacation retreat when I grow weary of preaching HIS massage and need rest, or my custom made shirts and suits..or anything else material..HE died for my SOUL...that is all HE is interested in, and I as a believer must take care to share HIS message with those I meet..that HE would not have died in vain. If I die with the gift of abundance then it because HE knew that I would first and foremost share it with those less fortunate than myself, and that I would never boast of the gifts that he blessed me with..Well if this has moved you, take time to share this with someone who needs to hear the truth, not mine...HIS...Thanks for the time and until next time...see you here on the deacon says..