Thursday, March 02, 2006


Telethons are the heartbeat of the christian media..and the ability to stretch the truth for the almighty dollar, are commonplace. Having said that I must say that I have been involved in the past in such events for both christian radio and television. One network was LaSea Broadcasting in the late 70's. This network was founded by one Lester E Summerall, a onetime missionary in the Pacific Rim, who with some future vision, saw the next obvious step for the evangelist, buy your own UHF Channel..raise money to keep it on the air from the potential listening audience, and get the 501-C3 in place for the windfall. Well things have sure become more sophisticated over the years and the approach has, with some real intended deciet, has now put them in the stratosphere financially. Having said that I must get to the reason for the epistle. Lasea, in these later years, being now run by the sons of Lester, who passed years ago, will go to almost any length to seperate you from your hard earned dollar. This time it is the one and only wild man of the Gospel...Steve Muncie, who I won't even dignify with the preface of Reverand. You need to know that when you pick up the telephone connected to the system that services your area, it does not automatically go through a switchboard in Heaven, where GOD will then listen in on the conversation so as to register in the Heavenlies the amount that you are giving to HIM and HIS network. I personally don't even believe that the network belongs to GOD, since if it did, GOD, would have no need to hold telethons or any other fund raising events. HE would, if my bible is correct, be giving money to the needy, clothing the naked, feeding the starving, and comforting the hurt. So the next time you have to endure such spiritual insults, turn it to the Lord, pray for them..they have theirs now. Next I can tell you with authority, that 6 is not the magical number in the bible, magical to financial blessing. It is true that the LORD was on the cross for approximately 6 hours before HE died, but believe me,
that was not to increase your bank account. So any multiple of 6...60.00..600.00....6000.00...those are in the mind of Muncie, not in the mind of GOD. The bible states that"GOD IS NOT MOCKED'..believe it..He died for your eternal life, and well, those who mislead the sheep, better they are drowned in the depths of the sea..until next time here on the deacon says..thank you for reading.