Monday, January 23, 2006


It is by now past the time for those of us who have spent a lifetime trying to alert the churched masses of the Charlatins that would purport to speak for bring some accountability from the body to them. The most recent boy wonder to come under attack for his loose use of the coveted 501-c3 tax document as relates to the laws governing the use of tax exempt dollars for the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ, is now seeking more dollars to defend his repulsive abuse of the very documents that allow all of the basic churches in this country to afford to proclaim the gospel of salvation to those who seek spiritual relief in their lives. When one such as Parsley comes under attack, he enlists the aid of the other major abusers of the same tax exempt status to come on the TV and bring into the war their followers.
Benny Hinn, who has been under attack for years, Franklin Jentzen, a newer guru, Creflo Dollar, the master of the deception, Paula White, the cute little lady who has mastered all of the language needed to bring mega dollars into the fold.

It needs to be stated that the basis of the Gospel proclaimed by the afore mentioned parties has one very strong thread, Kindom Now, and Prosperity. If you truly believe that the Carpenter from Nazareth would have hung on that agonizing cross for all of that time so that we could be RICH...have all of our dreams in splendour..believe in numerology..and have a very few select persons have the insight to extract from you the needed support to enrich themselves then you are in deed out of contact with the simplicity of the wonderful word of GOD.

Has it ever caused you to wonder why none of the great fore-fathers of the faith ever preached these principles..Knox..Wesley..Luther..Calvin..the reformation leaders.. those who were burned..boiled..dismembered..they never preached any of the things that these charlatins preach today. They preached that we are under grace, that we have the promise of eternal life if only we follow the teachings..simple as they are of the Carpenter.

I stand amazed at the boldness of those people mentioned that they have no fear of the result they will reap. Why not, they have theirs now. Trinity Broadcasting..Daystar..and World Harvest will one day answer for the false teachings that they have allowed to go over the very networks that God had allowed them to build. I am not their JUDGE..I am only one who works with and consoles those who have given of their last dollar..their last ounce of faith..their simple obedience to those who tell those wonderful stories that for the most part are unable to confirm..of the ones who have gone from rags to riches..death to life..broken to whole..overnight.

I can tell you that I have worked with some of the major charachters that proclaim these truths, and I will tell you that they are, for the most part, more self serving and that the money that comes into the fold is first and foremost in their coffers..they are never as broke as you are led to believe. They even spend as much as $25,000.00 per letter, to professional fund writers , one fresh out of jail, one Leroy Jenkins, who has the gift to make a dead person come to life for one last check.

I must close with this simple truth. The great men GOD called in our time..Billy Sunday...Billy Graham..Luis Palau..very few but very faithful..will not go the grave very rich..lots of toys..great realestate holdings..just faithful and obedient to the word given them by the FATHER...and held in esteem by those who came to HIM by the ministries GOD gave them...well until next time I look forward to sharing the truths with you..See you on..thedeaconsays.blogspot,com..

Sunday, January 08, 2006

TIME IS RUNNING OUT!!...Send in the redemption offering!!

This is always predictable to me after all these years. The TV wonderboys always give us a much needed boost to up our giving to save that one lost soul before the LORD returns. Of course they are trying to get caught up on the TV billings in arrears from the past year, and believe me many of them are stretched to the limit with the TV providers who take them on faith. I have always tried to make sense out of nonsense with these boys since I know the formula that it takes for them to catch on before the floor caves in and they are no longer on the tube with the message that GOD has given them to proclaim to the world before HE comes. If you believe that GOD has chosen all of the current messengers who rake in like princes..have little or no accountability to the viewer for the expenditure of faith giving..and have the courage to try to promote more from the current list..then you believe in a very weak GOD..and probably do not understand the power that is GOD. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills..HE owns the hills....HE is and will always be...HE does not need anything that you or I have or will ever have, except our complete devotion to HIS word and message to share the Gospel..and the love that HE has bestowed upon us within HIS blanket and covering of GRACE...Bill Gates is the poorest man on the planet if you are to make financial parallells with the financial sheet of the CREATOR..Creflo Dollar..named one who has the best and smoothest approach to getting you to release those last few have no faith if you don't believe that GOD is going to give up the bank to you..if you just step out on the last hope of faith you have in your possession...of course you need to know that a BENTLY automobile is on the very low side of milage per gallon..even on a 25 gallon tank..and brother Dollar sure like to ride in style...and he must fill the tank. Also Bishop here is a piece of work...huge car..huge house..huge investments..huge jewelry..great custom made fact the annual budget from his personal needs ,would feed two familys, and their basic needs for 1 year.
So here we are...2006..same old story with the same old players..the select...the prized...the few..who will continue to give you same empty hope that you left the past year could make one New Years resolution..turn your eyes upon JESUS...look full in HIS wonderful face..and trust HIM and the word that HE gave us thru the scripture ,that takes no PHD...or fancy preacher..or TV show with all the trimings...or the smooth voice..or anything else...remember that this WORD was passed down from the beggining before TV..dyed hair...face lifts...great music..grand tapes..DVD's..all the rest..We have come this far by faith that the word of the simple man and the Carpenter who founded the movement were enough to get us to the eternal reward..ETERNAL LIFE...I LOVE all of you and wish you the best for the year 2006..and just remember that we serve an awesome GOD...and HE loves us as we are...until next time...see you here on